Thursday, April 29, 2010

I choose you...JEJEMON!

Jejemons are everywhere and breeding. Like a local agency hiring mass of people to become one of them. From annoying text messages, online games  and almost all social networking sites. They even conquer the airwaves through radio stations.I'll be the last person on earth who have heard about this group of people until I received a forwarded text message.The exact content of the message is here. I then assigned myself to make a research on these people and here's what I got, and of course as a man of source  i'll be sharing it with you guys. Jejemons or not. 

Who are they?  

Why are they here? 

What's their purpose?

Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Making all people viewing their txt messages raise their eyebrows out of annoyance.A jejemon can never be seen alone. He or she must be in a pack of his or her jejemon friends.The more jejemons the merrier for them and annoying to us.

You'll never miss a jejemon inside a computer shop.I know cause I'm doing this blog in a computer shop with a jejemon just behind me playing dota.Harmless people they can say but making conversation with them through text or social networking  would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.

This is the text message I received:

4 types of JEJEMONS:

Mild-e0w pu.mxTAh p0eh.

Moderate-e0w pf0w.nAh m1sZ pf0u 

Severe-30w Po3h! an0h p03h gWa U?
TxT nA LherN p036h zA giZing pFa!!

Terminal Jejemons-30w p0Eh.m3N4 
p!p0L! nUa m1Xz k0 pHou k3o!

Another Sample:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!

miszMaldiTahh111: T_T

I'm done.Enough of this already.


  1. Dafuq is this shit? o_O

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